Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

General format

• The article should not have been previously published in any of the national and international journals or submitted to another journal at the same time. The details of the authors (academic rank, department, university, city, country) should be registered correctly on the journal site.

• Authors must apply for the ORCID from “ ” before submitting an article.

• Only two files of the article with name and without name along with the letter of commitment form should be sent through the site.

• Use the APA method in references and text editing.

• Arrange the article in 11 to 13 pages. Note that to publish articles longer than 13 pages, you have to pay an additional fee for each page.

• Articles must be submitted exclusively through the journal site.

• Reviewing fees must be paid in two separate turns (before reviewing the article and at the final acceptance of the paper).

• Submitting articles or reviewing payment does not mean accepting of the article and until the last stage of scientific editing, the article will not be considered accepted. ]f the article is not accepted, the received money will not be refunded.

• Submitting an article means assigning its copyright to the journal of thought and behavior. These articles should not have been previously published or submitted simultaneously to another journal.


Specific requirements

• The Thought and Behavior Journal accepts articles in the field of clinical psychology based on research findings.

• Adjust the page size of the article to 24 x 17 , in Times New Roman font, font size 11 and titles  in bold.

• Submitted articles should have Persian and English abstracts, Persian and English keywords, introduction, method, findings, discussion and bibliography, respectively. If the author(s) are not fluent in Persian, the editor will translate the abstract into Persian.

• Persian and English abstracts should be arranged in a maximum of 300 to 350 words, respectively, including introduction, purpose, materials, methods, findings, discussion, conclusion, and keywords. Keywords should be adjusted according to the title of the article.

• The introduction should introduce the problem, theoretical foundations, literature, purpose (s), research question (s).

• The method section should include a detailed description of the type of research, statistical population, sampling method, sample group, tools (with identification), methods of data analysis and mentioning the assumptions of using these statistical methods in order and without sub-headings.

• Findings represent statistical results, tables (number and title at the top of the table) and graphs (number and title at the bottom of the table). •

•   At the beginning of the findings section, be sure to provide descriptive information about your variables, including mean and standard deviation in a table. If you have used regression, be sure to include your correlation matrix in the text.

• If you have used a kind of intervention, introduce the intervention separately in sessions.

• At the end of the method section, be sure to describe the statistical method, why it was used, and the assumptions examined, and the software you used for the analysis.

• Discussion and conclusion should show the combination and connection of research findings with literatures, explanation of findings, limitations and suggestions.

• References should be accordance with APA style.

The Journal of Thought and Behavior is free in scientific and literary editing of articles and will not return received articles.

• The author (s) are fully responsible for their writing.

•   Acceptance or rejection of any article will be announced to the author or authors within three months.



Article model